Diabetes UK Midlands and East of England
Here is a list of all Diabetes UK local groups in the Midlands and East of England region. Find your nearest group by searching the list, or use the postcode finder. Groups are run by volunteers and supported by Diabetes UK. You can contact a group through their website if one is shown. If there is no website shown or you prefer to contact a group another way, please email the Midlands and East of England team at midlands@diabetes.org.uk or eastern@diabetes.org.uk or phone the team on 01902 916444 and we'll put you in touch.
All groups welcome new members.
To update your group's listing, please email midlands@diabetes.org.uk or eastern@diabetes.org.uk.
Local groups for people living with diabetes
- Basildon
- Brentwood
- Chelmsford
- Coventry
- Daventry and District
- East Staffs and Surround
- Kidderminster (Wyre Forest)
- Kings Lynn
- Milton Keynes
- North Staffs
- Acle, Norwich
- Shrewsbury
- St Albans
- Telford
- Wymondham
Local groups for families and young people living with diabetes
- Birmingham Parents
- Coventry and Nuneaton Families
- Derby Diabetes Fun Club
- Great Yarmouth
- KIWI (Kings Lynn and Wisbech)
- Leicester Highs and Lows
- Milton Keynes
- Norwich and District Youth
- Shropshire and Borders Family Group
- Sutton Coldfield Y.D.
- South East Essex
Peer support groups
- Bingham
- Bishops Stortford
- Cradley Heath
- Ely PCN (online only)
- Funambulists (online for people with type 1 across the region)
- North Bedfordshire
- Rushcliffe
- Tipton/Sandwell
- Type-one-derful (online for young people with type 1 in central Beds.)
- T2TEAM (online for people with type 2 across the region)